Friday, March 9, 2012


Today the world economy is a joke, to many CEO's writing themselves big paychecks and big bonuses to go with them. At the same time they are laying people off because they "cant afford to keep that many employes", excuse me Sr. that is some major BS. You made $2,000,000 last year and your telling me can't afford to employ 30 people at $40,000 a year those 30 people combined make barely more then half of what you do, cant you employ them and cut you salary? "ABSOLUTELY NOT I NEED THAT MONEY!". now I'm sorry i don't understand why anyone would NEED that much money, especially when a good livable salary is $50,000.

On top of that most American companies either hold most of thee money offshore for tax purposes, and or do all or most of there manufacturing anywhere other than the us. They say this saves money. but in reality this does more harm then good. because the hold money off shore the government doesn't take in any money from taxing the company, which hurts every one because in order to make up for the lost profit thy either have to tax everyone else more or cut government programs. also the doing most of your business over seas eliminates jobs for Americans.

the point of all of this is for those who read this and feel the same way to share their ideas in a friendly environment. it is my personal belief that it is the job of us the society to fix the problems created by the few greedy people. If people post an idea please do not steal the idea and try to make it happen that defeats the propose of this blog. only with their permission can you have anything to do with their idea if they chose to in act it.

thank you for reading i look forward to seeing your posts.


  1. Go, Noblesse! I love a good political rant from the left. Keep the faith (as we used to say in the 70's).

  2. We will fix the world together Noblesse. : ) ill always have your back

  3. OK, So let's start a conversation about "for profit" medical care. Sorry, I don't know that I can start a topic on your blog with a new heading but I suppose that you can cut and paste or something...

    Let me start by setting the following parameters:
    1) Doctors, Nurses, Aides, Administration - deserve to be decently paid
    2) Tort reform (malpractice stuff) is needed because it DOES increase the costs of medical care when doctors "cover their butts" by ordering tests that would not be otherwise necessary
    3) There is some form of medical investment capital needed to provide for facilities, equipment, development, etc.

    And here is the BUT:

    ADDING SHAREHOLDERS (WHO EXPECT TO MAKE A PROFIT) DOES NOTHING TO IMPROVE HEALTH CARE...yes, that is where capital comes from...but there should be a better way.


    Let's go from there and see what ideas are generated...
